OK!Thess wants to see a complete innovation ecosystem being created. An ecosystem with, on the one hand all those who are willing and able to contribute to the development of innovation in the region and, on the other, those active structures that are needed for healthy growth of the ecosystem itself. The ecosystem would have to include:
- Source of people with promising innovative ideas: Such sources are the city’s many universities but also society at large: Anyone can generate bright ideas.
- Processes that contribute to turn initial ideas to viable proposals: These include mentoring, seminars, competitions, training, social events promoting creativity and innovation, as well anything else that can contribute to promoting innovation at large but also of selecting the promising ideas that are worth promoting. If an idea does not seem to work, it is best abandoned sooner than later, cutting the losses to the innovative teams and allowing the more creative one to try something better sooner.
- Infrastructures: These should support the processes just described and should also give startups the opportunity to be “tried out”, for many of them to survive the test before they become investment-ready or able to move on to further development.
- “Destinations”: The end of the line process is the investment in the ideas that are investment-ready. Although this is an individual endeavour, attracting investment capital to the city is part of the function of the ecosystem. Matching successfully the best ideas with investment capital is a core characteristic of the ecosystem – its reputation is predicated on the quality of the investment ideas.
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TROPOS BRANDING Co: a one stop creative shop, led by Christos D. Katsanos and Dimitris Gartzonikas.
We are creating stories for audiences of the digital age. In the Social Age, digital storytelling is about making your reader part of the story – letting them tell it, retell it, live it, resolve it!!
We design brands from the ground up (big B), and help existing companies present themselves better (little b) by applying “Zero to Low Budget Branding” Methodology.
B2B is OK, B2C is fantastic but H2H is an …obsession for us!!
What exactly do we do?
We are passionate with people. We do believe that the only constant situation in earth is ….change itself! Solving the problems means that the people understand the change environment. In such cases our contribution consits to be Agents of Change.
Videostories, Copywriting, Identities, Art Direction, Web & Interactive, Product & Packaging Design, Advertising -Whatever it takes are our tools.
We’re always interested in joining forces with Startups and established businesses alike through mutually beneficial Collaborative Marketing.

The Municipality of Thessaloniki is the second largest municipality by population in Greece after the Municipality of Athens. According to the 2011 Greek census, it has a population of 324,766 inhabitants. The municipality includes the historical center (including the majority of city’s monuments) and about one third of the Thessaloniki Urban Area.
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Στην Αθηναϊκή Ζυθοποιία, με πάνω από 50 χρόνια επιτυχημένης πορείας στην Ελλάδα, «Παράγουμε Αξία» για τη Χώρα, τους Εργαζόμενους, τον Καταναλωτή και το Περιβάλλον.
Για περισσότερο από μισό αιώνα, μαζί με τους ανθρώπους μας και τους συνεργάτες μας, δραστηριοποιούμαστε στην αγορά της μπίρας, με στόχο να συνεισφέρουμε θετικά στην οικονομία και την κοινωνία, της οποίας είμαστε κι εμείς αναπόσπαστο μέρος.
Δέσμευσή μας είναι να είμαστε αξιόπιστοι εταιρικοί πολίτες και να αποτελούμε πρότυπο σε θέματα εταιρικής υπευθυνότητας, μένοντας πιστοί στην στρατηγική μας να «Παράγουμε έναν καλύτερο κόσμο».